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1192 مشاهدة23 فبراير 2023

[3] Google Analytics for Power Users, Free Google Courses 2023 - STJEGYPT

[3] Google Analytics for Power Users, Free Google Courses 2023 - STJEGYPT

Google Analytics for Power Users

Google Analytics for Power Users builds on learners advanced understanding of Google Analytics. Now that you are  familiar with the range of features Analytics offers  put your knowledge into action. Learn and practice techniques for comparing users who convert with those who do not  analyzing traffic sources that bring the most value  customizing channels for increased actionability  identifying top performing content on your site  and improving ecommerce performance. If you’re new to Google Analytics  you should first complete Google Analytics for Beginners and Advanced Google Analytics on Analytics Academy.
This course covers Google Analytics primarily for measuring website traffic. To learn about new capabilities that bring app and web analytics together  visit Analytics Help.




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