الرئيسية / التدريب / 20077 مشاهدة02 يونيو 2017

التدريب الصيفي للطلبة في البنك التجاري الدولي | CIB - STJEGYPT

التدريب الصيفي للطلبة في البنك التجاري الدولي | CIB - STJEGYPT

Summer Internship 2017
The Summer Internship program will provide students  from different universities the opportunity to spend six weeks at CIB, acquiring knowledge and hands-on experience in their area of preference. The program is meant to give them an overview on the banking industry and the core activities performed within the areas they will be assigned to; meanwhile allows CIB to build a pool of potential candidates who would be willing to pursue a career in banking.

Appying from HERE



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