وإذا كنت ممن يعشقون الثقافة اليابانية ، فالأمم المتحدة تقدم منحة لطلاب الدراسات العليا من الدول النامية للدراسة في اليابان .
المنحة تشمل طلاب الدكتوراة في التخصصات المتعلقة بالدراسات البيئية والموارد الطبيعية .
تغطي المنحة تكاليف الإقامة والمعيشة لمدة ثلاثة سنوات فقط، أما تكاليف السفر ذهابا وعودة والتأمين الصحي ضد الحوادث، فسيتحملها الطالب بنفسه .
- آخر موعد للتقديم هو 28 أبريل .
PhD in Sustainability Science (2017)
Scholarships provided through the Japan Foundation for UNU (JFUNU)
The JFUNU scholarship provides a monthly allowance of 120,000 JPY* for living expenses for a maximum of 36 months. However, travel costs to and from Japan, visa handling fees, and health/accident insurance costs must be covered by the student. The tuition fees are fully waived for the scholarship recipients.
*The amount of monthly allowance has been changed to 120,000 JPY effective 2017.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must be from developing countries* who can demonstrate a need for financial assistance.
Applicants who are currently living in Japan under a working visa are NOT eligible for the scholarship.
Applicants who want to pursue a second PhD degree at UNU-IAS are not eligible for the scholarship.
Developing countries included in the latest OECD DAC list.
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المنحة تشمل طلاب الدكتوراة في التخصصات المتعلقة بالدراسات البيئية والموارد الطبيعية .
تغطي المنحة تكاليف الإقامة والمعيشة لمدة ثلاثة سنوات فقط، أما تكاليف السفر ذهابا وعودة والتأمين الصحي ضد الحوادث، فسيتحملها الطالب بنفسه .
- آخر موعد للتقديم هو 28 أبريل .
PhD in Sustainability Science (2017)
Scholarships provided through the Japan Foundation for UNU (JFUNU)
The JFUNU scholarship provides a monthly allowance of 120,000 JPY* for living expenses for a maximum of 36 months. However, travel costs to and from Japan, visa handling fees, and health/accident insurance costs must be covered by the student. The tuition fees are fully waived for the scholarship recipients.
*The amount of monthly allowance has been changed to 120,000 JPY effective 2017.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must be from developing countries* who can demonstrate a need for financial assistance.
Applicants who are currently living in Japan under a working visa are NOT eligible for the scholarship.
Applicants who want to pursue a second PhD degree at UNU-IAS are not eligible for the scholarship.
Developing countries included in the latest OECD DAC list.
Appyinf from Here